Our building work is making progress

With a team of 5 people (Silke, Rudi, Ede, Axel and Joachim) we carried out construction work on our site. Our task was to put the water tower and the well into operation. The team from Uganda (construction workers) worked on the security building and the latrine. Here are a few pictures of our progress.

Construction of the latrine, a predecessor of the 3 chamber pit
Security building, where our guard will live. He is supposed to look after the land and agriculture at the same time
Our team built and welded the water tower. Ede was our technical specialist and “Kappo” 😀
Das Team von rechts: Axel, Ede, Silke, Rudi, Joachim
The team (from right): Axel, Ede, Silke, Rudi, Joachim
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