Donate for sustainable aid in Africa: Become part of our Kijaguzo Family Development Initiative in Uganda and spread hope!

Your donations are the key to our success. With your support, we can help together and bring real change to Africa. Every contribution counts and brings us closer to a better future for the people of Uganda and the entire continent.

Support our relief project in Uganda today with your donation and be part of a movement that brings concrete help and hope to Africa.

Donation account

Volksbank Bodensee-Oberschwaben eG

Account holder: Förd. Uganda Familienhilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE87 6519 1500 0251 9180 09
Keyword: Donation


Your donation is welcome, every Euro helps.

The cost per pupil is 35 euros per month / 210 euros per half year. We receive your PayPal donation minus a small PayPal fee. For bank transfers we receive 100% of your donation.

We are a registered association (Förderverein Uganda Familienhilfe e.V.) and are authorised to issue donation receipts. Your donation is tax deductible. For donations of 30 Euros or more, we will issue a donation receipt in the following year.
Please send us your full address and contact details if you would like this certificate.

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