This project is both short-term and long-term. Depending on the amount of donations, we want to improve the situation of the poor people in Uganda step by step.
Core elements are vocational and educational training, the development of own business, the support of the infrastructure and the strengthening of the community.
School attendance is not affordable for all:
The families usually have many children, and at the same time the parents can afford school fees for a maximum of 2 pupils. In order for all children to at least learn to read and write, the older children or young people then have to leave school.
Clothing and body care as a professional opportunity:
The people in Uganda, and especially the women, attach great importance to their appearance. Clean and adequate clothing and personal hygiene are very important to them. In order not to have to constantly care for the hair, dreadlocks are made, for which one needs special training.
1. Jumpstart
We support them in setting up their own business.
This group of women has set up a tailoring cooperative with our help. Mainly young women are trained as seamstresses and then supported in finding employment.

As the employment situation in Uganda is sometimes quite precarious, it makes sense to enable the best students to start their own business. They are obliged to employ their own members later on. This increases the employment rate and at the same time ensures fair working conditions. Setting up your own business costs €250 per person. As the start-ups pay back the seed capital with interest, this building block can become a self-runner in 2-3 years.

2. Perspective / Education
With the help of donations from members of the Tettnang church community, two training centers were set up in 2022. Depending on previous knowledge, the training lasts 6-12 months and costs 35 euros per student per month / 210 euros per semester.
The target group is mainly young people who cannot afford the school fees. With the help of donations from Germany, two training centers in Kijaguzo and Matugga are supported.
Training centre Kijaguzo:
The focus here is on training young women to become hairdressers and tailors and young men to become motorbike mechanics.
Training centre Matugga:
The focus here is on training young women in all aspects of body care. Everything from hairdressing to facial care to nail care is taught here. Due to her extensive experience, Solome is responsible for the management of both training centres as a sub-project manager.

3. School education
Establishment and operation of schools for children and young people
4. Infrastructure development
Building infrastructure such as constructing wells for water supply or procuring storage facilities for food.

5. Strengthening the community
Our approach is that the initiatives should be able to support themselves financially over time and become independent of outside help.
After completing the training, each member pays a fixed monthly contribution back to the project over 4 years. This has been contractually agreed in an agreement that everyone has agreed to.